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Atlanta Insurance Live! #39 … ba ba ba ba

by Chris on March 7, 2010

in Auto

Are you looking for a new insurance policy!?

Atlanta Insurance Live specializes in auto, home, life, and business insurance. We represent several different companies so you have options when working with us. Call us day or night for a quote – 404-647-4255, or fill out our easy form to schedule a time to talk at your convenience!

Atlanta Auto Insurance Quote

Chris Jordan is a licensed Insurance Agent in Atlanta. He specializes in auto, home, life, and business insurance . As an independent agent, he can place your policy with a number of different carriers! His promise is to be the best agent you’ve ever had!

  • Brett Cohrs
    Great video!

    Like in The Office on Thursday: A baby always helps in sales (referencing your goat's fungal issues, not so much).

    By the way, if you have some Nonprofit, Social Service, Educational/Cultural organization Insurance needs, and like dealing w/ folks w/ babies, I have three babies under the age of three. I can give you a hand. :-)
  • joshcaza
    I have to agree with Todd, I think you should make her your new face for AIL! Awesome vid, what a cutie!
  • Chris Jordan
    Thanks for stopping by, Josh! Yeah... I think we're gonna have to take this thing a new direction. She is way better than me!
  • Chris Jordan
    She is definitely more effective! In fact she is really my boss. I'm just in training!
  • toddschnick
    I hope this doesn't offend you, but she is a far more effective salesperson... Just do you know...
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