Atlanta Insurance Live! #24 – Saving you from the Grips of bad service!

by Chris on November 17, 2009

in Auto

Atlanta Insurance Live! #24 The Grips of bad service

Tonight, I saved a new auto insurance client from the grips of bad service. No, this wasn’t even about the money… though the rate she is getting is very, very good. This is one more Atlanta auto insurance policy saved.

Now let me ask you: Who do you have your auto insurance policy with? Did you buy it online or through an 800#? If so, please tell me about your experience. Do you have an agent that came with that or was it just an envelope. I may be able to save you from the grips of bad service too! Leave me a comment and share your thoughts…

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Chris Jordan is a licensed insurance agent in Atlanta. He specializes in auto, home, life, and business insurance . As an independent agent, he can place your policy with a number of different carriers! His promise is to be more available than your current “guy”.
  • Rowan Hokanson
    I admit it. I have a 800# policy. x.x; I know, I'm horrible.

    My policy is with USAA, and I've had problems with them in the past, but my rate is so low I have trouble switching.

    What happened? I was in a minor accident (that's another story by itself...), and was found to be at fault. I didn't have an actual agent, just a website and an 800#. I filled out the accident info online, faxed the little green police report to the 800#, and was told by a lady on the phone that she would take care of the rest. The form had to be sent to the state capitol within a set time frame, or my license was going to be suspended. I told her this. She calls me three days after the form was due in the capitol to say she never got my fax. I nearly had a heart attack. Nobody at USAA cared. I was not a happy girl.

    So, that's my experience with 800#/online policies and agents. Hope that helps!
  • Chris Jordan
    Rowan, thank you for the comment! I always appreciate your support. Normally, USAA is known for outstanding service so it surprises me that you actually had a service problem with them. Rate wise... yeah, they are tough to beat. Having an agent can help with the claims process because you have someone local that can get involved. Having a consistent point of contact helps too.

    Your story about service is what I typically hear about. With regards to your good rate, I think USAA is an exception to the rule. I've found that most websites usually don't offer very good rates, and also that when customers are making decisions without the guidance from an agent, that they often choose inadequate coverage.

    Thanks as always, Rowan!
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