Archive for category Traditional Blog

Cobb County Safety Village

Announcing the Ribbon Cutting of the Cobb County Safety Village

Cobb County will be opening the long awaited Safety Village later this Summer. The county broke ground on this project in February of 2008. The safety Village is an 8 acre area that will house a life-like village to provide safety training and education for the entire community.

The ribbon cutting will be held on Friday, July 31, at 10 a.m. and there will be an open house on Saturday, Aug. 1, from 10 a.m to 2 p.m. Both events are open to the public.

For more information, please visit their website

Chris Jordan is an Independent Insurance Agent in Atlanta. Specializing in Atlanta auto, home, life, and business insurance… Chris offers consumers a unique interactive experience by broadcasting live via webcam during business hours. Visit him online at and at

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Top 5 Considerations for the Buyer of Insurance – Atlanta Insurance Tips

Do you know what is most important when considering your Atlanta Insurance purchase?

I have narrowed down the top five things a person or business needs to consider when purchasing insurance or changing their insurance plan:

  1. Financial Stability of the Company – This is the most important item on my list. It is very important to make sure that your insurance carrier has a strong financial rating (A- or better). I will get into financial ratings in another post.
  2. The ability and timeliness of claims being paid – This sort of goes with number one, because financial ratings will have a lot to do with a companies ability to pay out a claim. Another thing to consider is the timeliness and convenience of when and how claims are paid. Some carriers provide concierge claims centers, others send an adjuster. Both are good, just make sure your company has a strong record of awarding claims fast.
  3. How well does the coverage meet your needs? – Very important. Before you purchase an insurance policy, make sure that the agent has explained how and why the selected coverage options meet your needs. Thoroughly review your insurance quote and ask every question that is unclear to you. Having inadequate coverage can really hurt if you ever have a major claim, and having too much coverage can result in spending thousands of dollars unnecessarily.
  4. Price and Price Stability – Obviously, price is a major factor in your decision. Be sure however, to consider price stability. How much does the premium change over time? Insurance premiums will always fluctuate… but be sure that you aren’t purchasing a policy just because the price is low. Many companies will make a Market Investment and lower the price to capture a large percentage of the marketplace, than rapidly increase those premiums over the next year or two. Bottom line is important, but DO NOT shop just on price.
  5. Level of Service Provided by You Agent – This is my favorite. Make sure your agent and agency are providing you with a level of service that you are comfortable with. Judge this on how quickly you get a response, and how helpful the agent is when assisting you if there is a problem (be it billing OR claim). It is important to find an insurance agent that you are comfortable working with because it is likely that you will be paired up for the long run.

Follow all five of these guidelines and you are certain to make a good decision on your next insurance purchase!

Chris Jordan is an Independent Insurance Agent in Atlanta. Specializing in Atlanta auto, home, life, and business insurance… Chris offers consumers a unique interactive experience by broadcasting live via webcam during business hours. Visit him online at

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How do Home Improvements Affect Homeowner’s Insurance?

Home Improvements Affect Homeowner’s Insurance

Have you evaluated your Atlanta homeowner’s insurance policy since you made major upgrades to your home?

I wanted to post something quickly about an issue that most people do not consider when they do major renovations to their homes… Evaluate you homeowner’s insurance policy!

Homeowner’s insurance covers the cost to replace your dwelling. The amount listed on your policy does not cover the land, it is not necessarily the market value of your home, and it may not cover major home improvement projects.

The bottom line is that If your home is valued at 250k and you make 40k in upgrades, then you need to evaluate your insurance situation!

Chris Jordan is an Independent Insurance Agent in Marietta, GA. Specializing in Atlanta auto, home, life, and business insurance… Chris offers consumers a unique interactive experience by broadcasting live via webcam during business hours. Visit him online at

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Atlanta Insurance Live: What to Replace after a House Fire.

Atlanta Insurance Live: What to Replace after a House Fire.

Something that homeowners need to understand is the importance of taking an inventory of their personal property…

A Google search for “homes destroyed by fire” yielded me 10 results in the first two pages of homes that were destroyed by fire in the month of May. These things can happen without prior warning and the feelings of loss and devastation are surely overwhleming. Fortunately, we have our homeowner’s insurance policy to help us pick up the pieces.

I hate to paint such an ugly picture, but the facts speak volumes… there are nearly half a million house fires in the U.S. each year. Unfortunately, the number seems to be rising. The good news is that the statisitics resulting from injuries and deaths related to these fires seems to be decreasing.

One thing that I always stress with my policyholders is the importance of taking an inventory of your personal property. It seems like a tall order, but it is quite easy and quick to take this important step. Simply get a camcorder or digital camera and record everything you own. Go room to room and make a record of everything. Take this disc and put it in a fire proof safe box. Also, collect important receipts and other vital paperwork (birth certificates, car titles, deeds, etc.) and keep these things in that same safe.

While you are conducting your annual spring cleaning this year, take an hour to inventory your household items and organize important paperwork. A house fire can take a drastic toll on us emotionally… having your belongings inventoried can make things a little easier during recovery.
Please share this with someone you know!

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Atlanta Insurance Live wants you to Support Georgia Fire Departments!

Atlanta Insurance Live wants you to Support Georgia Fire Departments!

A recent survey found that 63% of Georgia fire departments do not have the proper equipment they need.

I just wanted to post this to show the need for local support of our fire departments. It is no secret that the economy is hitting us from all angles.

During the next few days I will be researching some simple ways that Georgian’s can help support our fire departments.

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Atlanta Insurance LIVE! the Virtual Insurance Agent

Atlanta Insurance LIVE! the Virtual Insurance Agent

I have come full circle in my effort to become the world’s first virtual insurance agent. I am now offering streaming video of me live so you can connect with me online during business hours. I have also put the finishing touches on my interactive policy review.

I will be producing a short demo of my interactive policy review and will debut that tomorrow sometime. Maybe you can catch me live while I’m producing!

To my current customers and business partners, thank you for your continued support and loyalty!

I am helping Georgians with their insurance coverage like they have never experienced before!

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Atlanta Insurance: Understanding Insurance Terms

Atlanta Insurance: Understanding Insurance Terms

If you ever have questions about your policy, please pick up the phone and call me! I am a local, independent insurance agent respond quickly to requests. If I can help with Atlanta auto, home, life, landlord, or business insurance let me know.

I can also help you with Atlanta mortgage protection term life insurance, long-term care and disability insurance.

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Atlanta Insurance: Save Money on Auto Insurance

Atlanta Insurance: Save Money on Auto Insurance

I want to share some easy ways to save on your auto insurance.

First of all, you should have your insurance policy reviewed by your agent every few years. Insurance companies are always changing how they “rate” policies and if you have had your policy in force for more than a year, chances are you are not getting the best rate.

Another way to save on your car insurance is to increase your deductibles. If your deductibles are at 250, raise them to 500… and if they are at 500 you might want to consider raising them to 1000. If you have NOT had an at fault accident in the last five years, I highly recommend having a 1000 collision deductible. If you need some help understanding your auto insurance policy, see my post on it here.

There are some other discounts available as well. Often times, you will save by having more than one car on your policy. This is commonly known as a multi-car discount and most carriers offer this (it is something that is already included if you have more than one car). You will also get a break for having more than one policy with the same company – the multi-policy discount. You hear all about this on most every insurance commercial you see!

Lastly, you can save by taking a state sponsored defensive driving course. However, unless you have a CLEAR driving record, this discount may not apply so ask your carrier.

Contact me to find out if you are receiving all the savings you can. I usually save drivers anywhere from $200 to $500 per year!

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Atlanta Insurance: About Our Insurance Agency

Atlanta Insurance: About Our Insurance Agency

The Crawford-Skinner Agency offers a wide range of Auto, Home, Life and Business Insurance products to serve the needs of Georgia.

Chris Jordan currently represents Travelers, Progressive, Auto-Owners, Harleysville, Transamerica, West Coast Life, and Banner Life. New companies will be added in the coming months.

We can help you with Atlanta auto insurance, homeowners insurance, landlord policies, mortgage protection and many other Georgia insurance products.

Contact Chris Jordan today at 770-828-8072

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Atlanta Insurance: Understanding your Auto Insurance

Atlanta Insurance: Understanding your Auto Insurance

When is the last time you reviewed your auto insurance coverage? If it has been longer than one year, it has been too long!

I want to give you an easy to understand guide to your auto insurance policy. I would say that 75% of my customers do not understand their policy and what it means to them.

Auto insurance can be broken up into two parts really; liability and coverage for your vehicle.


Your liability insurance is what pays a claim when you are a fault in an auto accident. The Georgia state minimum coverage is 25/50/25… look at your policy. If these “limits” show on your policy than you need to raise them ASAP! Lets take a look at what these numbers mean…


The first two numbers, generally shown on a policy as your bodily injury liability, specify the amount your insurance company will pay other parties in the event of an at fault accident. The first number, 25, means that the insurance company pays up to $25,000 per person for medical bills. The second number, 50, is the amount the insurance company pays total for all medical bills in an accident. In this case it is $50,000. Neither one of these numbers will take you very far with the high cost of medical care. The last number, 25, is what the insurance company pays for property damage. Again, $25,000 in this case. I’m using these numbers to show you what your policy means but I want to emphasize the importance of raising these coverages. I generally write policies for my clients that read 100/300/100 or 250/500/100. The numbers work the exact same way as I’ve described above. And just to reiterate, this is your liability coverage meaning that if you crash into me… these limits apply to fix me and my vehicle. If someone hits YOU, it is their liability that fixes you and your vehicle. Atlanta Insurance

The next part of your liability is your Uninsured/Under-insured motorist coverage (UM). This coverage is written the same way as your liability portion of the policy – 100/300/100. UM covers you when someone hits you who does not carry insurance or does not have enough insurance to cover the claim. The state Insurance Commissioner’s office estimates that 1 in 5 drivers do not have insurance. It is very important that you carry the proper UM coverage. UM coverage is subject to a deductible (normally 250) if you ever need to use it.

Coverage for your vehicle – “Full Coverage”

The next piece of your auto insurance policy is coverage for your own vehicle. This is generally referred to as full coverage. This portion of your policy consists of both comprehensive and collision coverage. Below is an explanation of each…

Comprehensive – Covers repairs to your vehicle in the event of theft, vandalism, hail damage, windshield repairs, tree falls on your car, etc. Pretty much it is anything that happens to your vehicle that does not involve a collision with something else. The repair is subject to a deductible. My recommendation is to keep your deductible around 250 for this coverage. Many people carry 500. Since this covers stuff that is out of your control, keep the deductible lower. The savings aren’t significant enough to keep the deductible high if you ever need to use the coverage.

Collision – Covers your vehicle in the event of an accident where you are at fault. If you crash into me, your collision coverage pays to repair your vehicle. Remember, your liability coverage fixes me. This is also subject to a deductible. If you do not have any at fault accidents in the last five years, are not accident prone, or do not drive much than I suggest raising your deductible here to 1000 and no lower than 500.

Just to clarify, a deductible is the amount you have to pay before your insurance company will perform repairs. Be sure to keep your deductible at the level you can afford.

There are just a few additional features on an auto policy – Medical Payments, Towing and Labor, Rental Car Coverage (ETE) and GAP coverage. Below is a quick rundown of these features:

Medical Payments – This covers small claims to passengers in your car. Broken bones and Chiropractic bills are just two examples of when this would be used. Generally, you should keep this coverage at 1000 and no more than 5000.

Towing and Labor – Usually a limit of 50. This gets you out of a bind if your vehicle is ever disabled. Check with your insurance company to see the specifics of what they cover with this. Usually this covers flat tires, breakdowns, and sometimes will even help you if you lock yourself out. Again, check with your insurance carrier as this coverage varies.

Rental Car (ETE or extended transportation expense) – If your vehicle needs repaired and you need transportation, this will cover you. Most times, it is read on a policy as 30/900, which means $30/day up to $900 (or thirty days). You can increase this limit as well.

Gap Coverage – This is very important and most people don’t know about it! This covers you for the difference between the value of your car at the time it is totaled and what you owe on your vehicle loan. Lets say you drive a vehicle that you still owe $29,000 on. Lets pretend that your car is worth $23,000 when you total your vehicle or drive off a bridge. Gap coverage protects you from this $6000 difference. Obviously, not everyone needs this coverage but if you owe money on your vehicle, this option is worth exploring.

I know that this was a lot of information for one article and I appreciate your taking time to spend with me! In the near future I will add a file that you can download that will define these definitions and contain some other stuff as well. You can also sign up for my newsletter and don’t forget to bookmark me!

Have a great day and stay safe!

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