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Atlanta Insurance Live! #29: Real Life Scenarios

by Chris on December 18, 2009

in Auto

If you are in an auto accident, you need to know what steps to take afterwards. Insurance, police reports, etc.

The names and faces have been changed to protect the identity of these accident victims… Understanding that accidents happen every day here in Atlanta (big and small) it is important for me to give you some suggestions on what to do in the event of an accident. When should you call your insurance company? Who is at fault? What’s next?

Below are some real steps you should take, just in case I rambled in the video:

  1. After the accident, get the other driver’s information (full name, insurance information, and tag number)
  2. Contact the police and ambulance (if needed). Take photographs, and track down witnesses.
  3. If it is a minor accident, move your vehicles out of the way of traffic.
  4. Talk to the police once they arrive and provide as much information as possible.
  5. Call your insurance agent immediately.
  6. Let the agent and your insurance company guide you in your next steps.
  7. Go home and put your feet up. It’s been a bad day…

As always, thanks for watching! See you all next week!

Atlanta Auto Insurance Quote

Chris Jordan is a licensed insurance agent in Atlanta. He specializes in auto, home, life, and business insurance . As an independent agent, he can place your policy with a number of different carriers! His promise is to be way better than your current “guy”.

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Atlanta Insurance Live 7: Home Insurance Inventory

Imagine returning home to find your house destroyed by a fire, or finding that your home has been broken into…

The best way to be prepared for these devastating events (aside from having adequate homeowner’s insurance) is to keep an updated household inventory of your belongings. This type of preparation will make things a little bit easier if you ever have to go through a major loss. While you’re reading this, can you really recall everything you own?

Use this link to access a printable inventory checklist

Here is a link to a thorough explanation of how to inventory your household items.


Cobb County Safety Village

June 29, 2009

Announcing the Ribbon Cutting of the Cobb County Safety Village

Cobb County will be opening the long awaited Safety Village later this Summer. The county broke ground on this project in February of 2008. The safety Village is an 8 acre area that will house a life-like village to provide safety training and education for the [...]

Watch the full episode now! →

Atlanta Insurance Live: What to Replace after a House Fire.

June 1, 2009

Atlanta Insurance Live: What to Replace after a House Fire.
Something that homeowners need to understand is the importance of taking an inventory of their personal property…
A Google search for “homes destroyed by fire” yielded me 10 results in the first two pages of homes that were destroyed by fire in the month of May. [...]

Watch the full episode now! →

Atlanta Insurance Live wants you to Support Georgia Fire Departments!

May 22, 2009

Atlanta Insurance Live wants you to Support Georgia Fire Departments!
A recent survey found that 63% of Georgia fire departments do not have the proper equipment they need.
I just wanted to post this to show the need for local support of our fire departments. It is no secret that the economy is hitting us from [...]

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