Archive for category Household Safety
Do You Know What to Replace after a House Fire?
Posted by Admin in Household Safety on June 1st, 2009
Something that homeowners need to understand is the importance of taking an inventory of their personal property…
A Google search for “homes destroyed by fire” yielded me 10 results in the first two pages of homes that were destroyed by fire in the month of May. These things can happen without prior warning and the feelings of loss and devastation are surely overwhleming. Fortunately, we have our homeowner’s insurance policy to help us pick up the pieces.
I hate to paint such an ugly picture, but the facts speak volumes… there are nearly half a million house fires in the U.S. each year. Unfortunately, the number seems to be rising. The good news is that the statisitics resulting from injuries and deaths related to these fires seems to be decreasing.
One thing that I always stress with my policyholders is the importance of taking an inventory of your personal property. It seems like a tall order, but it is quite easy and quick to take this important step. Simply get a camcorder or digital camera and record everything you own. Go room to room and make a record of everything. Take this disc and put it in a fire proof safe box. Also, collect important receipts and other vital paperwork (birth certificates, car titles, deeds, etc.) and keep these things in that same safe.
While you are conducting your annual spring cleaning this year, take an hour to inventory your household items and organize important paperwork. A house fire can take a drastic toll on us emotionally… having your belongings inventoried can make things a little easier during recovery.
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